Colorize Cognos TM1 Application Portal
If you have 3 Cognos TM1 servers: 1 production, 1 test and 1 development and you would like to make work with them more user-friendly to avoid mistakes of working in wrong environment, then this article is for you
Case: You have 3 Cognos TM1 servers: 1 production, 1 test and 1 development. So you would like to make some distinguish between them to make work with them more user-friendly to avoid mistakes of working in wrong environment.
IMHO, the best posible solution of this problem is to add color distinctiveness to Application portal pages. I choose green color for Test server, blue for Dev and leave default colors for Production server.
Unfortunatly, there are no build-in solutions for this task in Cognos TM1 armory. But you can make small code changes in Cognos style pages (css files).
Firstly you can add colors to pages with list of all applications and the page for choosing node, just do this:
- Open Cognos Tm1 installation folder, usually it looks like
C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64
- Then go to
folder - Open
file - Add this code to the end
This is correct for Cognos 10.2 Fix Pack 7. I notice that in earlier FixPacks main page does not use
, but usesheader.css
that is located inpmpsvc/style
/*Add colors to Cognos Tm1 Application Portal*/
body, div#workflow\.LeftPane, table#listTable {
background: #dcffd6 !important;
div.dojoxGridRow, div.dojoxGridScrollbox {
background:#ebfee8 !important;
After this you can add colors to page that Cognos opens when user choose node. To do this, edit tm1web.css
file located in folder webapps\tm1web\scripts\tm1web\themes\tm1web
. Add to beginning of it this code:
div.nowrapTabStrip.dijitTabContainerTop-tabs.dojoDndSource.dojoDndTarget {background: #dcffd6 !important;}
When you do all this changes, your Cognos TM1 Applications pages will look something like this:

P.S. If you don't see any changes, remove browser caches.
This solution was tested in Cognos TM1 10.2.2