Change Cognos TM1 Applications default load order

Case: After updating of Cognos Applications, Cognos reorders them by
date of update. But what if you need to show them ordered by name by default. Here is instruction how to do that.

To change default sorting order of Applications, you need to add just one line of code to JavaScript function, that loads and show Application list.

To do this open Cognos TM1 installation folder (that is usually located in C:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1), then go to \webapps\pmpsvc\ and edit the file applications.jsp. Add to function dojo.addOnLoad after params variable declaration line params.appSort = 'aName';. This will sort Applications by name at each page load.

Full function will look something like this:

dojo.addOnLoad(function() {             
    var params = {...};
    params.appSort = 'aName';
    applicationList = new portal.ApplicationList(params);
    common.Util.setTimeout(this, function() {
    }, 2000);

Also you can edit other options, for example by changing of pageSize parameter you can change default number of elements per page (params.pageSize = '100';).

This solution was tested on Cognos TM1 10.2.2